

This is About WHC Agent Story

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Easy to Succeedin Business

As a WHC SOLAR agent you will receive several marketing tools that will give you a head start indistributing our premium solar power system and products. You will also receive ROI-focusedprices, comprehensive after-sales support, and free accessories.

We offer agents service:

How WHC Agent Works?

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How Does WHC Support Your Business?

How Can Become Our Agent?

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Payment of $150000
Distribution Agent Requires One-time


Exclusive Agent Requires One-timePayment of $1,500,000


Obtain the Agency Right and Enjoy Agent Service

Our Distribution

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As a WHC SOLAR agent, you will receive several marketing tools that will give you a head start in distributing our premium solar power system and products. You will also receive ROI-focused prices, comprehensive after-sales support, and free accessories.

We offer you:

How to be WHC Solar Agent

WHC SOLAR is looking for qualified individuals to be our agents who have an experience in distribution and in marketing. We need professional and dedicated agents looking to empower lives and businesses with high-performance solar power system solutions.

Town/District Agent
State/Province Agent
The Country/Nation Agent
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Contact Us


Room 901-902, Yidong Building, No. 301-303, Huanshi Middle Road, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou, China

Become Our Agent

For a once-in-a-lifetime income opportunity, fill out the form below to be our superstar WHC agent. Our team will contact you as soon as possible.

    *We respect your confidentiality and all information is protected.

    Get In Touch with Us

      *We respect your confidentiality and all information are protected.